Top 7 reasons why Poland doesn’t accept Muslims

Europe is facing an unprecedented migrant crisis. The sudden influx of people from around the world to Europe has sparked humanitarian and political crisis in Europe. Many have lost their lives trying to reach the shores of Europe. Although EU has a common policy in several spheres, most EU neighbors take charge of their borders to ensure their own safety and security. Whereas some EU nations have opened their arms wide to lend humanitarian assistance, others like Poland have been reluctant with a zero tolerance to even refugees especially those from muslim nations.
Poland is a Christian majority country and it seems it is making all things possible to stay that way. Muslims in Poland constitute a mere 0.1% of the total population but a recent survey in the country found out that many Poles believe 7% of the populace are muslims.
The ultraconservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) of Poland has won a second term in office. The victory has got critics fearing that it will accelerate the country’s drive towards authoritarianism. The PiS rose to power in 2015. The party has refused to take in refugees and has attempted to even reform the judiciary. This has put it at loggerheads directly with the ethics and dictates of the EU.
According to a top EU legal adviser, Warsaw broke EU’s law by refusing to take in refugees during Europe’s 2015 migrant crisis.
Headstrong and far right MPs like, Dominik Tarczynski, have insisted that their country has done no wrongdoing and Poland has only stood by its immigration policy which she is entitled to.
factalive asks why Poles are anti-Islam and we discuss the top 7 reasons why Poles are jittery about just the thought of having a growing Muslim populaiton.
#7: Poland didn’t colonize any nation so has no allegiance to any subjects

Polish President Andrzej Duda
“We never had any colonies”, says Polish MP Dominik Tarcynski
When Europe was eagerly dividing and ruling other continents and countries, the Poles appeared unconcerned or perhaps had minimal or no luck. The Poles did make some attempts at colonization but they either lacked the will or power to persevere. As countries like Spain, France, etc in the EU who spent a chunk of their time colonizing and looting other lesser nations in the past looked at a more humanitarian way to respond to the migrant crisis, especially in 2015, the Poles sat unconcerned sipping at their Krupnik. In an interview with Al Jazeera’s Mehdi Hassan, Polish MP Dominik Tarcynski claimed that Poland “did not colonize any nation” and by extension have no subjects to offer safe haven to.
#6: Fear of demographic change

A Syrian refugee family pose for photos in Toronto, Canada
The Poles are jittery about the thought of having severe change in the homogeneity of the nation. It is one thing to have the demographics of a country highly diversified, it is another thing to have diverse religions in the country. Islam is largely associated with terrorism across most of Europe thanks to terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad and the like. Most extremely religious people have mostly put their religion first and have demonstrated shallow love for patriotism even if they do. Islam in particular hardly separates State from religion and in areas where Islam has eventually grown to be the dominant religion, practitioners have clamored for its principles to be applied ahead of national secular laws. The Poles just can’t bear the thought of having many mosques sprawled across the length and breadth of the nation.
#5: Multiculturalism is not a value to the Poles

A multicultural society
One of the pillars of the the United State’s community is multiculturalism. America is touted as the country of opportunities. There’s the chance of finding practically every calibre of person in America. This has made the United States a force to reckon with in all spheres. It appears America has just the right people for every facet of life. If it is athletics and entertainment, you will find most black Americans qualified to do just that.
But while multiculturalism might be a strength for a nation, it has its attendant problems. The current spate in white Police brutalities against black Americans is one clear example. The increase in attacks on Asian Americans after the outbreak of the coronavirus is another example. The possibility of non-compliance, riots and violence motivated by sheer differences in race, religion and beliefs is enough to discourage a country like Poland to hit the brakes when it comes to multicultural society. To the Poles, the cons of multiculturalism outwit that of the pros and thus, multiculturalism is not a virtue.
According to Dominik Tarczynski, a far right Polish MP, they
don’t want Poland being taken over by Muslims, Buddhists, or someone else … and no one will ever force us to take Muslims, Buddhists, non-believers in huge numbers,”
Tarczynski added that after spending some time in the United Kingdom and the United States and having the opportunity to experience life in a multicultural society first hand, he hardly sees any value in multiculturalism.
“For me, multicultural society, it’s not a value … it’s not a virtue,”
#4: Fear of Islamist Terrorism

London bus blown up by one of the 7-7 attackers
“France will never give in to Islamist terrorism”, claimed France’s President Macron
Those were the words of France President Emmanuel Macron after a police officer who was stationed at the southwest of Paris was stabbed to death. The perpetrator was identified as an Islamist extremist from Tunisia. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack. This and many other horrible terrorist stories are ubiquitous in Europe nowadays, especially in parts where immigration laws are lax. Across Europe, whether it’s London, Brussels or Paris, there has been Islam-related terrorist attack.
Islamist terrorism is arguably the most outstanding reason why the Poles are anti-immigrant. Poland fears losing their nation in the future to Islamic terror and terrrorists. It is not by happenstance that Warsaw allowed in millions of Ukraines who are mostly Christians while refusing to loosen the bottleneck for a drop of muslim blood. In an interview with Mehdi Hassan of Al Jazeera, Polish MP Dominic Tarcynski claimed that Islamic imams and leaders always glorify terror and gory attacks on non-muslims instead of condemn them.
After terror attacks, we hear from the imams…..(clapping, to gesture support from the imams)
According to Dominik Tarcynski, Poland will not receive even one Muslim.
we will not receive even one Muslim. Because this is what we (his party) promised.
#3: Rich muslim nations like Qatar, Saudi Arabia don’t even take in muslim refugees. Why should it be Europe’s problem?

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaks during the Future Investment Initiative Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
As shocking as it sounds, rich muslim nations like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates etc do not take in muslim refugees. One would think that such countries should be at the forefront scooping in displaced Muslims in large quantities but even Saudi Arabia, custodian of Islam’s holy sites take a swipe at Muslims in need. It beats imagination why a country like Saudi Arabia with a Muslim population of 99.9% or more and with the financial muscle to do that would rather sit it out and leave humanitarian Europe to sweat it out.
But the reason could not be farfetched – Islam is not just one holistic religion. It has many divisions and factions. There is a constant battle between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran for supremacy and control. Saudi Arabia couldn’t risk ballooning the shia population in her country at the expense of security. Shia muslims are overwhelmingly loyal to Iran and this could be suicidal to the Sunni state’s security.
Far right MP Dominik Tarcynski shied not to point it to the loquacious Al Jazeera journalist, Mehdi Hassan that so-called Muslim nations aren’t willing to take in one of their own. Why should Poland care?
#2: Christian society is a value. Europe is christian.

Dominik Tarczyñski
“For me, christian society is a value”, says Polish MP, Dominik Tarcynski
Trump fan Dominik Tarcynski claimed Europe is christian and the homogeneity must be maintained . To Dominik, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of opening German borders to muslims from Syria was total absurdity. There’s noting to gain from multi-faith and multiculturalism, only chaos.
#1: Fear of Shariah law in Poland

A woman being executed per Shariah dictates
Many non-muslims or, better put, “infidels” shiver at just the sound of Shariah or Shariah law. Even some muslims do. According to muslims, Shariah is the law of Allah. It is a religious law which forms part of the islamic tradition. Shariah was pruned from the religious precepts of Islam, the Quran and hadith, to be precise. Countries like Saudi Arabia apply the strictest of the law putting fear in all who venture their borders. Even some staunch muslims have been caught pants down by the harsh law and dealt with. At a point, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman was executing a person every two days drawing fierce criticism and international condemnation.
According to Dominik Tarcynski, Poland does not want any Shariah law. This may appear farfetched as immigrant muslims cannot impose Shariah at the heart of Europe. This was sharply criticized by Mehdi Hassan, the host of the program and subsequently added that Imran Khan, a staunch muslim, was the mayor of London yet London hasn’t been islamized.
But if today, immigrant muslims cannot ask for the Shariah imposition due to their ineligibility and numbers, what happens tomorrow when they gain national status and multiply? That is certainly the argument of Dominik Tarcynski and his far right political party. Should Poland’s fear of future terrorism hold her back from being humane? No matter how much we fear or hate Islam, we should understand that it is practiced by humans and just a show of humanity is all that mankind needs. Notwithstanding, true Muslims owe it a duty to redefine Islam and not leave it at the mercy of terrorists.
What do you think about the behavior of Poland? Are they being racist or islamophobic? Is their behavior justified? Is Europe at any real risk? leave a comment below.