Top 6 Presidential falls or slip captured on camera

by | Oct 30, 2024 | Facts, Personality | 0 comments

One of the major downsides of being the leader of a country is having every clumsy moment captured on camera and then replayed and ridiculed for days, weeks or years. For the most part, presidents have had bad luck on the stairs, mostly on stage. For US presidents in particular, descending or ascending the Air Force One or walking the red-carpeted presidential aircraft stairs has been the scene for many slips, trips, tumbles and other embarrassing gaffes.

Factalive has gathered the top 6 presidential falls or slips. Let us know which one of them got to you.

#6: Barack Obama’s near fall when descending the stairs of the Air Force One

Barack Obama descends stairs of Air Force One

US President Barack Obama steps off Air Force One upon arrival at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida on September 16, 2014

Obama had a near fall when descending the stairs of the Air Force One. His fall if it had gone through, may have been the worst fall given his altitude. He would have come tumbling down heavily like a released nuclear bomb. The President had returned from a weekend of golfing trip in Florida.The President was used to a quick wave from the top of the stairs, then an energetic jog down the stairs to the bottom. Only this time, Obama lost footing and but for the protective handle, Obama would have come tumbling down thunderously.

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#5: US President George W. Bush falls over a Segway.

George Bush slips off the SegwayPresident Bush was the 43rd president of the united States. George W. Bush had a couple of unfortunate incidents during his time at the White House. Some of these embarrassing situations included the president’s fall off a Segway in 2004 when he visited his parents to celebrate his father’s birthday.

#4: Cuban leader, Fidel Castro falls after giving speech

Fidel castro falls downAfter the overthrow of the military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, Cuban leader Fidel Castro established the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere. Fidel ruled over Cuba for almost five decades before handing power to his younger brother, Raúl in 2008.

Fidel castro falls downCastro suffered a rather embarrassing fall when he walked away to take his seat after a speech. He tripped on a step and tumbled to the ground after leaving the stage at a graduation ceremony. He fractured a knee and arm.

His fall which occurred in the central city of Santa Clara after delivering a speech launched a new round of speculation and doubts about the 78-year-old communist leader’s health.

Castro broke his left knee and a hairline fracture in his upper right arm.

The incident was quite frightening. He tripped on a concrete step after he walked down the stairs from stage. He fell on his right side right into the line of chairs, banging his knee, hip and arm. Spectators and security guards quickly rushed to help pick him up as others looked on in shock.

#3: US President Gerald Ford tumbles down the stairs on Air Force One

President Ford falls down Air Force One

President Gerald Ford lands on his hands after slipping and falling on a wet ramp while exiting Air Force One in Salzburg, Austria

In 1975, President Gerald Ford traveled to Vienna, Austria to meet his Egyptian counterpart, Anwar Sadat. The US President suffered a humiliating incident when he fell and tumbed down the last few stairs of Air Force One. The President landed on his fingers and was unhurt. Arguably, President Ford had the most falls of an American President which later made him associated with it.

#2: US President Joe Biden falls and tumbles up stairs on Air Force One

Biden falls down on the stairs of Air Force One

President Biden lies temporarily on the stairs as he struggles to get onto his feet

President Joe Biden became the latest US President to tumble on the stairs of the Air Force One. The 78 year old President stumbled and fell consecutively when climbing the stairs to board Air Force One to Atlanta. Surprisingly, Biden took 10 energetic steps up the stairs before succumbing to the Gerald Ford Syndrome. No injuries were reported.

The President after struggling intially to gather himself up eventually succeeded in picking himself off the stairs. Biden appeared to have a weak left knee which he eventually smoothened it and walked briskly to the top before turning to give a ceremonial salute or wave.

#1: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe falls down stairs at Harare Airport

Zimbabwe Mugabe Fall

President Robert Mugabe captured coming down apologetically

Zimbabwe’s deceased former President, Robert Mugabe fell down a staircase as he walked down the podium after giving a speech. The nonagenarian was hurt after falling heavily amidst security and bystanding officials. Mugabe had just finished addressing his supporters at the Harare international airport after his return from an African Union summit in Ethiopia which saw the dcitator voted as AU chairman. Mugabe’s fall did not come as a surprise given his age. He was immediately helped onto his feet by aides and escorted to his car. It was reported that journalists covering the occasion were hurriedly rounded up and forced to delete the images and videos of Mugabe’s fall. Nonetheless, Mugabe’s free fall reached the public like bush fire in the harmattan.