How To Clean a TV Screen Properly and Effectively Without Damage

Take the microfiber cloth and gently rub the surface of the TV set in circles to remove dust, smudges and any streak of unwanted trace. You may have to gradually increase pressure in order to get rid of obdurate stains.

October 30, 2024

How to clean TV Screens

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  • Turn off the TV set. This is very necessary to avoid either shocks or unknowingly creating internal mishap.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to remove the dust or trace of smudges.
  • Use a fine cloth dipped in distilled water to remove stains.
  • Dip the cloth into dish soap diluted with water solution


Today’s Televisions are flat, neat and awesome but you will agree with me that they have an uncanny appetite for catching dust quickly. Isn’t it?

So the question then is, how do we properly and effectively rid our TV sets’ screens off these fine pieces of unwanted matter – yes, I mean the dust. 

You may be thinking this should not be rocket science –  just grab a cloth or tissue and rub the dust off the surface.

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Wait! You have to be careful. You may end up scarring the surface and destroying your TV screen. The TV screen is as delicate as a projector’s screen. You should not only take care of your TV screen but TV remote too. 

In this article, we take you through the most effective materials and methods needed to do the job.

Well, if you cast your eyes around, you realize that the days of the tube-type TV sets are eons behind us. These TV sets used glass screens which were tough and could resist relatively rough and tough materials, chemicals and rubs.

Today’s flat TV screens have a special coating on their surfaces. It takes few rubs to destroy these coatings on your screen if care isn’t taken. These coatings may be compromised or destroyed if it comes into contact with household cleaners that contain ingredients such as alcohol or ammonia.

Using TV Cleaning Kits

In today’s world, everything you can think of almost always exist. If you are thinking of surfing online and ordering for something that can do the job faster, then you’re in luck because TV cleaning kits actually exist.

But not so fast! Not all of them are recommended given some poor reviews some kits have attracted on some online shopping pages. You see, the sad thing is some cleaning kits may contain the very thing like alcohol or ammonia that may be unfriendly to the TV’s coated surface. 

Also, you can fetch yourself one of the many electronics wipes used to clean computer and TV screens. But do make sure these are safe for your TV screens too by taking into account its ingredient protocol.

Some wipes may end up leaving unwanted visible streaks on your TV set screen.

Dry Method with Microfiber Cloth

We recommend the dry method as the safest way to clean your TV screen. You only need a microfiber cloth. As a matter of fact, most TV manufacturers recommend using microfibers in their TV manuals. 

Let’s take a quick glance at the steps required and tools needed.

Summary of Steps

  • Turn off the TV set. This is very necessary to avoid either shocks or unknowingly creating internal mishap.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to remove the dust or trace of smudges.
  • Use a fine cloth dipped in distilled water to remove stains.
  • If step step 3 is not enough to take down obstinate stains, dip the cloth into dish soap diluted with water solution

Required Tools For The Dry Cleaning Method

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Distilled Water
  • Dish Soap

Now, let’s take a deep dive to unearth how to properly do the dry cleaning method.

Step 1: Turn off the TV set.

Switch off your TV

Step 2: Clean Dust and Smudges with a Microfiber cloth.

Clean TV screen

Take the microfiber cloth and gently rub the surface of the TV set in circles to remove dust, smudges and any streak of unwanted trace. You may have to gradually increase pressure in order to get rid of obdurate stains.

Step 3: Use dish soap for deeply ingrained dirt.

Dish soap solution for cleaning tv screen

If the dirt is stubbornly resisting the clean, dip the cloth in a solution of light dish soap. Don’t overdo with the dish soap. In most cases, just a small quantity is enough to melt the smudges away. Clean with the solution soaked microfiber in circles. Then use a dry microfiber to rub off any remains in a similar fashion. This should take out any remaining streaks.


We advise against spraying liquid directly onto your TV screen. Don’t use paper towels or any hard material aside a microfiber cloth as such materials can scratch the screen’s coating.

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