Top 10 interesting facts about Justin Trudeau you did not know

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Facts, Personality | 0 comments

You should know him. He is Justin Trudeau – one of the few handsome and seductive leaders on the continent but one of the things that make Trudeau even more popular or perhaps unpopular is his decision to open Canada’s borders to Arabs and refugees mostly from Islamic conuntries. In Germany, a similar move by Angela Merkel was met with a tough resistance from the far right.

The Prime Minister of Canada hardly needs introduction under any circumstance. These are the top 10 interesting facts about the man who was caught making fun of Donald Trump with other world leaders.

#10: He was cast in a Canadian movie as a war hero

Justin Trudeau in the Great War documentary movie

Justin Trudeau as Talbot Papineau in the Great War documentary movie

Jusin Trudeau starred as Talbot Papineau, a French-Canadian First World War hero, in Brian McKenna’sCBC docudrama The Great War.

In a telephone interview from Montreal, the eldest son of the late prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau said that “This is certainly my large-scale acting debut, continuance and end”

Justin claimed that it was not a yearning to flex his acting chops that attracted him to the role in the five-hour docudrama that features 150 descendants of First World War soldiers re-enacting battle scenes.

Instead, on the 90th anniversary of Vimy Ridge, it was a desire to make sure Canadians never forget the multitudes of soldiers who died fighting in the war, many of them while still in their teens. Sixty-thousand Canadians perished on the battlefield during the First World War, leaving a terrible toll on an entire generation.

Justin Trudeau continued that he believed his “great-grandmother was always affected by the loss of her brother in that way.”

#9: He was a Senior High Schoool teacher

Justin Trudeau and students

Prior to being elected as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau taught math, French, humanities, and most famously drama in the Vancouver area.

After graduating from the University of British Columbia in 1998 with a degree in education, Trudeau worked as a supply teacher and then a full-time teacher in Vancouver. He was also a student-teacher while he was going for his degree.

He taught at public schools in the area, including Winston Churchill Secondary School, and at the private school West Point Grey Academy.

It is interesting to note that the teaching background actually got him into politics as he was recruited by the Liberals to lead the party’s Task Force on Youth Renewal. That opportunity led him to take a run at elected politics which he succeeded at, winning a by-election in Quebec and then winning the Liberal leadership and then becoming Prime Minister.

#8:His Prime “Ministership” was foretold by “Prophet” Richard Nixon.

Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau

The President of the United States, Richard Nixon in 1972, at a state dinner, predicted that Justin Trudeau would one day follow in his father’s footsteps, the late Pierre Trudeau and become prime minister of Canada. The President toasted “to the future prime minister of Canada.”

#7: He has two tattoos

Justin Trudeau in the boxing ring

Shoulder of Justin Trudeau shows tattoos

The Prime Minister has two tattoos.  A big planet Earth is inked on his left shoulder when he turned 23. He added a raven surrounding it when he turned 40. The raven is a symbol of the Haida people indigenous to Canada’s Pacific northwest.

#6: He made a cameo appearance in a Superhero comic book

Justin Trudeau makes cameo appearance on cover book of marvel

Justin Trudeau at at the back of a marvel comic book

Justin Trudeau made a cameo appearance in the late 2016 on the cover of a Marvel comic book while in boxing gloves and a Canadian jersey.

#5: He reinstalled his father’s old desk at the Prime Minister’s office

Jusitn Trudeau's father was prime minister of Canada

Justin Trudeau’s father was Prime minister of Canada

When Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada, one of his first acts was to bring in his father’s desk. The Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a Prime Minister of Canada for almost 16 years. Trudeau couldn’t help but bath in the nostalgic vibe that brought him.
Justin Trudeau’s father ruled Canada in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.Trudeau installed his father’s old desk, a symbol of restoration but also an emphatic rejection of his predecessor, Stephen Harper.

#4: Muslim refugees from Syria named their babies after him

Justin Trudeau meets baby Justin-Trudeau Adam Belial

Justin Trudeau meets baby Justin-Trudeau Adam Belial


In years, Canada will be populated with a lot of Justin Trudeaus as many Syrian refugees who were allowed into the country by the Canadian President Justin Trudeau are naming their children after him. One such child is called Justin-Trudeau Adam Bilal. The Bilals are not the only Syrian refugee family to name their baby after Justin Trudeau. It’s common Arabic culture to name a child after a person of exemplary character.

Trudeau met the baby while attending the Calgary Stampede. Baby Trudeau was born on May 4 at approximately 6:10 p.m to Syrian parents who had recently come to Canada as refugees.

#3: Sarcastic remark to an indigenous protestor

One of the key campaign messages of Justin Trudeau has been to help Canada’s marginalized and impoverished aboriginal population. But the prime minister was forced to apologize in March 2019 for making a sarcastic remark to an indigenous woman who interrupted a Liberal Party fundraiser to protest about poor living conditions. Trudeau told her “Thank you for your donation” as she was escorted from the room.

#2: The ElbowGate incident

An impatient Trudeau elbowed a female Parliamentarian in the breast in 2016. He was frustrated by what he felt were the opposition’s stalling tactics and as he crossed the floor in the House of Commons to grab a legislator, he unintentionally elbowed a female Parliamentarian in the breast. He apologized repeatedly for the incident, saying he was only human and in a high pressure job. He also promised there would be no repeat of his actions.

#1: He was ignored by China’s Xi Jinping at a meeting for arresting Huawei’s CFO, Meng Wanzhou.

Justin Trudeau and Chinese leader Xi Jinpin

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with Chinese President Xi Jinping

After the arrest of the (Chief Financial Officer ) CFO of Chinese tech giant Huawei’s , Meng Wanzhou, tensions soared dramatically between Canada and China.

Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei founder and chief executive Ren Zhengfei faced charges in the US of bank fraud and conspiracy for the activities of a former Huawei subsidiary alleged to have violated US sanctions against Iran.

Meng was accused of having lied to the HSBC investment bank about Huawei’s relationship with the unit – Skycom – putting the bank at risk of US sanctions breaches as it continued to clear US dollar transactions for Huawei.

China had pressed Canada to release her, but Canadian officials have not budged, saying they’re only following the rules.

The Chinese leader reportedly ignore Trudeau’s advances during an international meeting of heads of state and government.

Which of facts did you find amazing? Did we miss any point worth mentioning? Don't be shy, nail it down in the comment section below.