Top 5 reasons why Valentine’s Day may be toxic

If you’re single on Valentine’s day, you may feel the world has forgotten about you.



October 30, 2024

Top reasons why Valentine's day may be toxic

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  • unrealistic expectations

  • source of anxiety

  • depression

  • impractical fantasy
  • overnight spendthrift


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April Fool's Day is celebrated every year on April 1st. It is a holiday when people are pranked by friends and family. During the 1st of April, people play practical jokes on one another from morning until noon. [Sassy_Social_Share title="Sharing is Caring" count="1"...

Valentine’s Day may be the day most people feel happy and moment others may feel anxious. Everyone has got his/her priorities.

There are those who are cogitating about finding that perfect gift for their love. Others are anxious over finding their Valentine and there are those who believe they must show love to people they may not even actually like.

Well, these factors and several others put people under unrestrained and unjustified pressure. 

With Social Media breathing down your neck, you can hardly avoid the sight of an image of Valentine card or rose and the urge to forward it to a friend is unforgiving.

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(1) Valentine creates unrealistic expectations

Valentine creates unrealistic expectations

Valentine brings unwarranted expectations on people. The pressure to impress our love ones build tremendously. Many love birds are eager to spend money they don’t have on gifts their partners don’t need.

(2) It is a potential source of anxiety

Valentine may cause Depression

Anxiety mounts as Valentine nears. It’s the one occasion everyone wants to appear wearing the best cloths, appear attractive, and visit the best place with their love one.

(3) It can cause depression

Valentine causes depression

Valentine is the day many people do well to present the best portion of themselves, present their love ones to the world.

Imagine if you’re single and you tune into social media only to be greeted with images of love pairs?

If you’re single on Valentine’s day, you may feel the world has forgotten about you. It is a tremendous source of depression.

(4) Valentine’s day creates impractical fantasy

Valentine's day creates impractical fantasy

Showing love on Valentine’s Day because of Valentine is a superficial fantasy, especially if your partner is not the love type.

The legend associated with Valentine that a certain God called Cupid goes round shooting love arrows into people’s heart won’t turn your love one into a one day wonder.

(5) It turns people into overnight spendthrift

Valentine turns people into overnight Spendthrift

Well, Valentine’s day may turn out to be the one day capable of draining your account swiftly. Many people put themselves under unecessary pressure to spend overnight in order to impress their partners. It’s estimated that more than 125 million roses are sold during valentine alone. This is a whopping amount of money in one day.

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